Despite slightly veering away from what I had originally wanted to
achieve with my first draft, I think that these designs work well enough
and are okay for a mock. As my cover star was wearing a red top, I
couldn't have a colourful background much like I wanted, nor could I use
purple, and due to lack of time I couldn't create any amazing visual
effects, and so left my photos unedited and didn't think about the new
colour scheme as much as I could have done. My front cover began as my
flat plan had indicated, but one of the teachers in the Media department
gave me some advice whilst adding the final touches, and so this
changed last minute. I was originally going to use the photo of my model
with her fist in the air, but I was told that it didn't make the layout
easy to work with because it wasn't a central image. I was also told
about the different styles of layouts and that an 'F' layout would work
best with the image I had, and so I placed the text accordingly to fit
this style, although I may stray from this when creating another piece
as I want to be experimental. I didn't realise that I couldn't use the
masthead font throughtout, and so choices of different fonts were rushed
and not well thought out after I became aware of this. The idea of
having text placed over a block of colour (specifically a black
rectangle) was brought to my attention by Kerrang! magazine, and almost
my entire contents page was influenced by NME magazine. My double page
spread was once again influenced by Kerrang!, and after making my
article a bit longer and adding some pull out quotes, I don't think that
there are many alterations I would still need to make, other than
choice of fonts and colours, as I think the style of image and layout
work well together (unless I decide to change the layout completely). I
don't want my contents page to look boring, and so I will not stick to a
black, white and red colour scheme next time, as I think this is done
too often, but I think it fits in nicely with a genral rock theme. I
don't like the text underneath the image because I think there isn't
enough of it, but I think that there is too much text down the side, and
I will research into some different contents page designs so that I can
create a unique, new style. Overall, I think my draft magazine gives
off a very Kerrang! vibe, despite the fact that there is limited text on
the front cover, which is something I will try to stay away from next
time, as I want my magazine to look a bit more quirky and classic
'punk', rather than mainstream pop rock and 'emo', and so I will take
some ideas from the 80's and the 90's magazine Ray Gun, although recent
music will heavily feature and this will include a range of different
rock music. I think that this will work better than what I have done
because it will be similar to Kerrang! but will also be completely
I love the photo's that you used for this draft, the models' costume, props, pose, and facial expressions all reflect the genre of your magazine and help develop them as an artist and it gives them character. The graffiti also works really well and all the colours work well together - I love how you picked out the bold yellow colour from the graffiti on the double page spread and used it to match your heading, as well as the dark red in the graffiti to match the subheading of the name of the band. The font of your title "Jaded" also reflects the genre of your magazine and goes really well with the other elements, and it will grab the attention of the reader. Overall, I really like it!
ReplyDeleteI think the images that you have used work really well because the facial expressions, poses and costumes reflect the genre really well. The contents page is my favourite because I think that it looks really professional which is the aim. The bright colours on the costumes, the props (graffiti wall) and some of the text link well to the punk style that toy were going for. I really like the title and sounds like it could definitely be a magazine on the shelves and the font of the magazinne title also fits the genre. Overall I think that its really good!
ReplyDeleteI like the consistency of the fonts and colours through the magazine and how they complement each other well. The pictures are great and they match the style of the magazine well, i also like how they are crazier than a normal magazine styled photo.
ReplyDeleteI like the layout of your contents page and how you have sections for all the different articles in your magazine. The double page spread works really well and i like the different fonts and colours used.
I really like the font you've used for the magazine title. I like the feature box as it really stands out. I think you may need to consider the use of a whiter background with more lighting on the cover page. I really like the way you've chosen to direct the models, each pose reflects the genre of the magazine. And I like the use of a graffiti background of the contents and double page spread.
ReplyDeleteI liked the cover image on the front page as well as the range of fonts used and the barcode, but I would suggest these improvements:
ReplyDelete-The cover image looks stretched slightly
-It needs more stories to fill the space around the edges
-The Model's head could be overlapping 'jaded'
-The barcode info (issue, price and date) should be part of the white box for the barcode
-Maybe include a puff or a pug to add a professional touch
Regarding the contents page, I think that the advert added a very professional look, along with the continuation of the use of the fonts used on 'jaded' and 'contents' which gives the impression of a brand being created. However I think it might benefit from:
-Less capitals as they make the magazine much less easy to read
-Maybe add different fonts if the bands have there own so that their audiences will be able to see them clearly (eg Blink-182's signature 'resurrection' font) as well as variation of colours as the page is quite bland
-add more pictures and fill the empty space
-maybe break the 2 columns to create a collage effect?
-make the main image smaller to allow better use of space
Double Page Spread:
Really good double page spread, especially with the use of quotes on the page. I would suggest:
-more pictures inside the text of at the sides of the main image
-add the number for page 23
-overlap the head of the bass player with the title 'the simple things'
-make the background more complex i.e. with a gradient or pattern
Overall a great start and a really good idea for a magazine. To give a stronger impression of the 'Jaded' brand there needs to be a uniform of fonts being used as titles and as text, along with more similar backgrounds in all 3 pages. More images definitely need to be added in to expand the amount of content on show to the reader and also the text 'The Simple Things' needs to be the same on every page.